Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Full Saturday of Fun

Now first of all you need to know that when I woke up at 5:30AM to get ready for work, I looked out the window and saw only clouds, but once I was on the dock I had to take this picture because at had become such a beautiful morning. 

The fog burned off and it just became a beautiful day for the rest of the day. I spy: Mt. Juneau, 2 cruise ships, 1 bus, and 1 giant anchor.

These two people are my bosses. I would have taken a closer picture but they actually didn't know I was taking a picture at all. Anyways, the lady on the left is Amber, and Bill is on the right who is the boss of Juneau.
After a full day of touring, which went very well, I decided it was a good night to go scooting. So I called my friend Kristin and we took off for north Douglas Island. 

It is not the easiest thing to fit two people on this scooter. I will tell you what though, I look good in this pose, ha ha.

This beach is absolutely beautiful! I was lucky enough to catch the sunset, so so pretty.

Another neat detail about this beach is that you can see the Mendenhall glacier. You can see quite a few things from this beach including Lemon Creek valley (where Costco is), the airport, Mendenhall Valley. It really gives a panoramic view of Juneau and the mountains that surround. 
I kept driving till I got to the end of the road! This is two of four End of the Road signs and I plan on getting to all four on my scooter. The hardest one will be going to the North side of Juneau (40 miles away) but I"ll do it :)
On the way back I did see a porcupine, and the video of that is in the post below.
I stopped at another beach on the way back. Kristin thought I was crazy all night. 

We were getting closer to home when I spotted the moon coming around the mountain. Unfortunately pictures cannot do the scenes any kind of justice, I'm so sorry.
The moon is the bright light in the sky.
One more attempt to try and do justice to the view I had.

One last video to take home with you. Ha, get it?! Take home with you, but you are already in your home! Man, I'm funny.

I hope you enjoyed your Saturday as much as I did. Love you all!!!


  1. Shala ran a half marathon on that very road while we living in Juneau. It is really neat that you are experiencing Alaska...
