Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Whale Watching

I finally had the opportunity to comp a tour. Sunday afternoon at 4:45 I walked down to one of the docks and jumped on a bus to go to Allen Marine where I got on a boat with 25 other people. Mind the fact that these boats hold over 100 people. Plus there was a buffet table with some amazing food. Here are some pics of my adventures to sea.

Its amazing how hard it is to get a good picture of a whale coming out of the water. I did see bubble net feeding where the whales dive and come up at the same time, and even saw a calf do some breaching (when the whale comes all the way out of the water). I had a great time and ate a lot of food :) I was stuffed!!!


  1. Unbelievable. I am so glad that you are blogging all these great adventures! Have a GREAT time!!!

  2. Amazing whales, You should totally try to go for a swim with them. A lot of these photos look like San Antonio, Tx. Just Kidding...
