Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bear Sighting!

Well I knew I would be seeing bears soon enough when I read this post at the glacier that said "Open: Some bear activity. Use caution." True to its warning I saw this little guy right next to where we park the buses and wait for our passengers to meet us to pick them up.

I was standing with a few other drivers and we noticed this guy licking the ground. We were about 25 yards away (very safe mother).
A little while later a ranger came to see what was going on. She informed us that this was a one year old black bear that had been abandoned by its mother. He was pretty scrawny, only 100 pounds or so. She said that someone was baiting bears in the area, and the bear was going after some grease in the dirt. She wasn't happy with what was going on and started yelling at the bear to go on, and you know what, it actually did surprisingly enough. So that was the end of that fun.
I feel like me and this guy made a connection. He really understands me :)

1 comment:

  1. k. That was a bitty bear! I want to see the Grizzlies. Make sure you are in the bus when you see him though.
